Resources News


Get the latest from around the TecQuipment family

Whether you are interested in new products, exhibitions we are attending or major investments for us, this is the place to keep you up-to-date on all the happenings around TecQuipment and the industry.

Resources Casestudies

Case Studies

We travel around the world to support our customers and partners with our products

TecQuipment support equipment that we have supplied to some of the finest institutions around the world. We offer training, installation and commissioning with our team of highly skilled engineers. These are some of their stories...

Resources Knowledge


Our hub for engineering articles and discussion piecesĀ 

We love engineering and we love what we do everyday. As we craft the finest educational equipment for your laboratory, we also like to write about a variety of engineering topics. We hope you enjoy reading through these articles.

Resources Downloads


For all your needs

Including our latest industrial brochure.